Monday, September 16, 2013

Getting ready for fall with an Autumn-esque mani.

Well, today I received my Elevation polishes in the mail and of course they are just as stunning as all of the other polishes Lulu makes. There is just a beautiful array of colors in this collection to get you ready for the cool, fall weather that will soon be upon us. 

Elevations are one of my most favorite brands of indie (well, in general actually) polishes and I just love getting my order in the mail every month. I was lucky enough to score a couple Small Batch Prototypes this time around as well which I will show you in a bit, but on to the mani!! :)
 Getting this order made me want to do a combo of colors that reminds me of Autumn so I busted out Streetside, NYC to pair with a couple shades from this collection and a Lynnderella that held the same theme. I think the Lynn that I chose goes perfect with the colors I paired them with and the name is perfect as well IMO. :) 

So here is a little collage of the mani I did today. Streetside NYC was placed on my thumb, index and middle fingers and then topped with To Fall with Love. I then put Epidote (oh my golly is this a gorgeous holo!!) on my ring and Limestone on my pinky nails. Needless to say that all of Lulu's polishes are on point (as usual).  The application all the way down to the dry time is just supreme. The Lynnderella is amazing as well.  Always really great glitter pay off and easy to apply for a glitterbomb like this. I can't help but top almost all of my manis with glitter, so why skimp? Lol

Last but not least here are my SBP's from Elevation I also received today. These are always the most fun to see what these look like in person, always seem to blow me away. 

Just look at these beauties!!! Horta is a teal jelly with bronze / copper mini square glitter, copper and aqua mini circle glitters and teal square glitters.  Ilha do Faial is a white jelly with iridescent,  aqua blue and purple colored glitters in hex, square and circle shapes. Both are to die for and are maybe a bit more HTF so if you like them check out her website ( to find other amazing shades. She restocks every 7th and 22nd so her polishes aren't too hard to snag. :)

Well, I guess that's it for todays post.  I hope you all enjoyed my mini haul I shared with you and my mani, I really enjoyed doing it and sharing it with you. Until next time, chatter on!!